Our Father in Heaven
we praise and thank you we may call you Father
that you love us, cherish us, we are your children
yet many in your world see you as distant
angry, judgemental
up there, in heaven, but not part of their lives filled with anguish, poverty, disease
Holy is your name
and we are blessed we can use it to speak to you as your children
but your name is used to attack, to condemn, to punish by us and others.
How can this be? How can this be?
Your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
every week we pray these words together, Lord God, but what do they mean to us and those around us?
We thank you for trusting us to help build your kingdom in the communities we are part of
and we ask for your courage and blessing on all who do your kingdom work throughout your world
in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the refugee, caring for the sick, the lonely, the lost
Give us this day our daily bread
we are blessed to have food in our stomachs and food to share with those with little or none
we bring before you, Lord God, those who cannot feed their families, due to poverty, unjust systems, drought and famine
and guide us to rely on your goodness day by day and not to store up for tomorrow that which does not last, so all may be fed and no more will mothers send their children to school hungry
By the guidance of you holy spirit
may we speak out against systems which divert food from bellies to fuels
and trade agreements which benefits large corporations over small scale producers
Lord God
these are our prayers spoken and written on our hearts
we know you hear each one of them
and we trust in your never ending goodness
for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory now and forevermore