Lord God
You alone are good
you alone are faithful
you alone are gracious
this knowledge is too wonderful for us
too much for us to attain
we seek goodness in other places
we look for faith in other things
we pursue grace in other ideas
so in the midst of difficulties in our lives, in our communities, in the life of the world
we wonder why you these things are happening
what have we done wrong to incur the wrath of God?
But you Lord God
are good, faithful, gracious
in your infinite goodness you called forth the oceans and seas
set the moon in its orbit to conduct the tides
brought forth salmon and dolphins and otters
created oaks and pines and birch trees
made hills and mountains
all which tell of the goodness, faithfulness, graciousness of our Lord
which endures forever and ever
a goodness, faithfulness, graciousness
which led people from slavery to freedom
from death to life
from disobedience to harmony
with one another
with creation
with God
Almighty God
we fall before you
seeking your goodness, faithfulness, graciousness
wishing to find the true source of all that is beautiful, true, just and lovely in you, Lord God alone
wishing to set aside all the times we have doubted your power
doubted your wisdom
doubted your love
Lord Jesus
help us to set these doubts aside so we worship with clean hearts, souls and minds
in true devotion of the one who forgives all