Approach and confession prayer 24 January 2021

The rock on which our life is built is the Lord

our solid ground

our firm foundation

though the winds bow

the rain lashes against us

though the storm is unceasing

we shall not be overcome

for it is in God we place our trust

our hope

our lives

it is in God, through the power and presence of the Spirit with us,

we gather together to worship this day

joined, united siblings in Christ

across the world

Christ Jesus

bless our praise and prayers

bless our meditation on the Word

bless that which we offer at your throne

may it be acceptable in your sight

blending with the whole company of angels and archangels

saints and the whole body of Christ

in perfect adoration of you

an adoration not made perfect by what we can do, but perfected though what you have done for us

offered salvation, grace, mercy. Love

for where would we be without this?


lost to our selfish desires

lost to worship of money or possessions

lost to abuse of power

lost to our sinfulness and shame

yet we heard your voice, calling to us

come, follow me

come, know the forgiveness I offer

come, know the love I have

in that love, may we rise up this day

knowing we are forgiven, set free and empowered to be the Body of Christ in the world
