ate with supporters and opponents
with wealthy and poor
with self-righteous and humble
broke bread
at a table
surrounded by friends
who would betray, deny, abandon him
breaks bread for us
at this table
which is his
it’s a table to which all are invited
for Jesus welcomed and included everyone
come and be fed
Eternal God
in your infinite mercy and wisdom
you come to us
in Christ Jesus
you come to us
in bread, broken for us
in wine, poured out for us
in communion, shared between us
you come to us
in the spirit’s presence with us
may she descend on us
and this bread and wine
that together
they may become
Christ’s body and blood
broken and poured out for us
that together
in receiving these elements
we, the church gathered
may become the living flesh and blood presence of Christ in this time
in this place
On the night he was betrayed
Our Lord, Jesus Christ
after giving thanks
took bread and broke it
telling his disciples
“this is my body, broken for you.”
then, he took the cup filled with wine
and offered it to his disciples
“this is my blood, poured out for you.
Eat and drink this all of you to remember me.”
we are Jesus disciples
and he gives us the same invitation
eat and drink this bread and wine
to remember him
remember Jesus
until he comes again
These are the gifts of God
for the people of God
taste and see that God is good
Lord Jesus Christ
we praise and thank you
for filling us with your goodness
offering food on the Way
and calling us to head
into unknown
sometimes difficult places
may this food for the journey
sustain us
until we share it again
whether on earth or in heaven
in your glorious presence