Sing to God
Praise the name of the Lord!
Rejoice in the name of God
Be glad this day
know joy and awe and wonder
in sitting at the feet of the One who threw galaxies into space
who set the earth on its axis
and rides on the clouds
yet is also with us
where we are
through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
in us this, and every day of our lives
As we pray,
as we heard and meditate on God’s Word
may we know, truly know, God with us
through our faith in the Risen Christ Jesus
Christ Jesus
as we gaze at the empty cross
in wonder that, though you died, you rose again
what love that was!
So, so much, we can never fully comprehend
we can never repay
in this moment, we pause to recall your amazing grace
which cleanses us of all sin and misdemeanour
setting us free to be your witnesses wherever we are, to the ends of the earth