Lord God, our heavenly Father
we bless and praise you for the word, made flesh, revealing in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ just how much you love the world.
Christ, our Lord and our God
We bless and praise you for all who have followed you, loved you, though they have not seen you in the flesh.
We especially thank you for those who have guided, supported and helped us in our faith journeys, that through their words and actions, we have witnessed our saviours healing presence.
May we, too, in our lives and actions take the presence of our Lord and our God into the world, that all will come to know of God’s love and the blessing of knowing Jesus Christ is risen.
We commend to you all who struggle with doubt, with uncertainty, in health, in employment, in relationships, in what the future holds.
Sustain and support them, and guide us to reach out in love to those known to us, that we may be instruments of your love and peace in their lives.
Christ our Lord
there are many in our world who hide behind locked doors, physical and imagined, trying to find safety and refuge in a world of persecution and fear.
Refugees, the abused and misused, those persecuted due to to their faith
Enter their upper rooms, speak words of peace to them, bless them.
Sending Holy Spirit
breathed out on the disciples by Christ our lord, breathe on us once more
breathe on us that we may go into the world, and through your guiding power, may tell and show all we encounter, this day, this week, to the end of our days
that Christ is risen, he is risen indeed.