Stewardship – Talents 2015 open

Angel voices, ever singing, ever praising God our King, our Maker our redeemer.

Singing, in heaven and on earth, in praise, in wonder, in awe, in majesty at and in God’s presence. The presence where the trinity, Father, son and holy spirit, are, wherever they are, in perfect blessed harmony.

Here, we blend our voices, our song, sung and written on our on our hearts, with all those gathered at that heavenly throne, united in praise and worship through time and space.

Bless this time, where we meet together, as a part of your son’s body, in this church, in this place.

Bless this place, made by human hands, by people’s talents, not holy due to the bricks and mortar, but made holy and worthy through your presence here, Lord God, your presence here within and around us, in our hearts and in our minds.

bless our hearts and minds, make them open and humble to listen to your voice, and to follow your leading, your shepherding.

Disturbing God

In your call, your good news, we are sometimes caught short by limiting what and who you can and do use to build your kingdom.

We are disturbed by words spoken

we are disturbed by noises made

we are disturbed by you asking us to do what?

And we shy away from the task

or we fail to encourage and support around us in their service

or we think too highly of ourselves and think what you wish us to do is much less than we can offer

we are so sorry for these and all the other ways we’ve fallen short of your standards of holiness in our lives and in our hearts.

We are forgiven, in and through your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, showed us the way of true service, in his life, death and resurrection

May we, in this forgiveness have the confidence to follow where your call, where you lead, knowing you are with us, always, to the end of the age, guided and supported in the holy spirit.

All this we pray in and through Christ our Lord, who taught us to pray together saying:


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