Approach and confession prayer 30 June 2019

As we consider your mighty deeds, Lord God

we are overwhelmed

the depths of the water know you

the thunder and the whirlpool reveal your power

the hills and valleys, lochs and glens show your skill

the delicate petals on wild flowers in the verges disclose your beauty

we mediate on them as we come before you this day

we recall your mighty deeds through observing the landscape around us

and how your hand has guided your flock from age to age

Guiding Lord

guide us this day

guide us on the path which leads to life, life in all its fullness

guide us on your ways

our great and glorious King

as we gather at your mercy seat

to praise you

to petition you

to perceive you

in our worship together

to know your will for our lives and for your church, at this time in this place

Eternal Christ

the path you lead us on is a narrow one

and not always easy

we know there are times where we have looked at the route you call us on and backed away

decided our way of living is better than the way you desire for all people

or we have drifted off the path, seeking excitement and pleasures in things which, ultimately, bring sadness, loneliness, isolation, rather than joy, community, inclusion

and, as a result, we have not born the fruit of your kingdom


forgive us, we pray

and, in your great mercy and love, guide us back to the paths of righteousness you call us on, so we may bear great fruit for you and all God’s people
