Holy, Glorious, Redeeming God
from on high, you look upon your world
seeing all of this earth, which your Word brought forth
beholding all creatures that you reign over
viewing all people, made in your image
nothing, no one can hide from your gaze
a gaze which wishes to protect, cherish, save
a gaze which sees to the end of the universe
and which knows the number of each of the hairs on our heads
it can seem weird, a bit intimidating you can view us, in our good times and bad, in such detail. Lord God
you would think it would prompt us to do as you command
love you with all our hearts, souls and minds
love others as ourselves
but we don’t always do that, do we God?
We think there are times and places where you don’t know exactly what we’re up to
we think we can use our position and power to do what we want
we fail to be good stewards of the earth’s resources
we buy cheap goods without thought for the cost to those who produced them
we fail to see there are consequences to our actions
Lord God
without your help, we fail you
humbly, we fall before you, longing to be restored to our true selves
that, in being and knowing we are truly forgiven
we can rise up and, without a word, follow our true King Christ our Lord
in worship and in service, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit
who we invite to blow through us and our sacrament of praise this day
that we, unafraid and unashamed, may boldly go into the world to proclaim God’s love
in the name of Christ