What wonder is this?
God, Heavenly Father
loves us beyond measure
loves us so much
God the Father sent God the Son
that through him we believe
and have faith and hope in God
and God alone
through this gift, we are redeemed
through the imperishable living and enduring Word of God
what wonder is this?
What can we say or do or offer in thanksgiving for this wondrous gift?
Except offer our sincere and heartfelt gratitude
lying it at the throne of the One who was the lamb without blemish,
Christ Jesus
as you revealed yourself to the disciples
reveal yourself to us today
help us to see you in those we walk alongside
those we encounter in our daily lives
those we overlook and ignore
reveal yourself to us
that our hearts will burn within us
and we will hurry to share your love
in praise, in prayer, in service
all to your honour and glory now and always
Spirit of God
as you moved within the disciples on the Emmaus road
move within us, we pray
move within us to recognise Jesus
in conversations
in sharing of meals
in those who are hungry, naked, imprisoned, thirsty
Christ the Way
as you lead us on your path
and walk with us
we thank you
assist us to do likewise
to walk alongside the grieving, the hurting, the confused
and bring comfort, we pray
we also pray for those who work to bring healing and wholeness into this broken world
in hospices, hospitals, homeless shelters
in places of conflict, war, hostility
in places of hunger, loneliness, desolation
bless all those who serve and who are served
that, in the midst of pain
your love is known
to bring healing and wholeness into this world of yours
through the power of that love
revealed in Christ Jesus