The Most High
envelops, protects us
us, and all who call on God’s name
this is our salvation
our protection
greatly to be praise is the Most High
for the good gifts bestowed on the whole of creation
Glory and honour and thanksgiving
we lay at the throne
of our King and Saviour
Christ Jesus
praise and thanksgiving we offer you
in setting aside your power and glory
you came and showed a new way
a new path of living in the world
of service
and not power
assist us to do likewise
and resist the pull of glory and power
Power Wielding Christ
your power is the cross
your path is service
we praise and honour you for those who serve in this world
in cafes and bars
in shops and care homes
in governments and charities
bless their work
paid or unpaid
bless their families
and ours too
may they be a source of joy
Joy bearing One
may our joy be complete in knowing you
and following Christ’s path
all the days of our lives
may it radiate from us as light
the Light of the World
which we know
we pray that Light
may stretch out, as a tent, across the heavens
bringing joy and wholeness
healing and comfort
blessing and peace
to all people on earth
and for all creation
all this we pray through Christ Jesus