The work of God’s hands are all around us
mountains and valleys
trees and fields
birds and livestock
all shaped and moulded
the work of God’s hands are all around us
in the experiences we each have
forming and fashioning us
into the people we are
the work of God’s hands are all around us
as we worship God
as we offer our prayers and our praise
as we listen to God’s Word
as take in the Holy Spirit
as we bring our devotion to God
Father, Son, Spirit
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
One God
Three in One
as there are many parts within your divinity
yet you are in perfect union
may we recognise this in ourselves
each an individual
each part of the whole
each needed to declare your glory to the whole world
as the church in this place
united to the whole, worldwide church
through faith in Christ Jesus
together becoming his body
Redeeming Christ
we are joined to you in baptism
and to one another
where there is division
bring unity
where there is hurt
bring healing
where some are dismissed
bring inclusion
where we’ve failed
in these and other ways
forgive us
by the power of your redeeming love
may we know forgiveness