Glorious King
Your marvellous works are beyond our imagining
we can see the hills and vales
we can watch the migration of the goose and swan
we can observe the pattern of the night sky
there is so much about this world we can learn of
can come to understand
but small or large
atom or galaxy
all are held in the palm of your hand
all made through your Word breathed out into the void
shaping and moulding all which is seen and unseen
looking at it with the loving eye of an artist
and declaring it all very good
Glorious King
what are we that you have placed eternity on our hearts?
What are we that you invite us to spend time with you?
What are we that you long, most of all, for our love?
You who are our refuge
in whom we take shelter from the storms which would overwhelm us
You who came to us
in your Son, Jesus Christ
not to Lord it over us
but to be with us, in our frailty, our failings, our fear
Come, this hour, Christ Jesus
send the Holy Spirit among us
that, as we offer our prayer, our praise
it may blend with all those across the world-wide church
to be a sign of service
made Holy through your blessing on us this day
Blessing Christ
as we draw near to you
we long for your forgiveness once more
forgiveness for those things we have said, or done which did not show your love in the world
forgiveness for longing for power or position and not knowing what that means in your kingdom
forgiveness for not being servants to one another
May the power of Christ fill our hearts with love
that drives out all fear
so we, in being forgiven are set free to be the church of Jesus Christ for the world in this place