Thanksgiving and intercession 17 July 2016

Lord God

we praise and thank you for all which surrounds us

the mountains and moors

the lochs and sea

the fields and the forests

the bounty of your wondrous creation surrounds us and we are so blessed to witness its grandeur

Bless all who rely on this landscape for their livelihoods

artists who try to capture the majesty of the scenery

hoteliers and B and B owners who provide places of rest and relaxation for those who visit this land

farmers and foresters who tend the countryside into the pattern we see around them.

May all their work be satisfying, to them and to you, Lord God

and may their labour be valued financially so they may provide for their futures and that of their families

Christ, the image of God with us

in you all power and authority lies

we praise you for our elected officials in councils, the Scottish Parliament and at Westminster

This week, we especially recall before you Teresa May, our new Prime Minister.

Guide her decisions

Grant her good judgement and wisdom

that she may lead this country into a future where the least and vulnerable in our society are shown the compassion, love and honour you would wish them to receive

Christ our Lord

we thank you that in these times of uncertainty, you are in ultimately in charge

even though we do wonder what is going on in your world

Hundreds are killed as civil war once more grips South Sudan

Failed crops have lead to starving millions in central Africa

floods threaten people’s ways of life in Bagladesh

and terror is ever present in much of the middle east

we cry out to you, Lord of the world

why, why, why?

Why allow this suffering, why allow humans to chose their own destiny, why not step in and stop this madness?

Our hearts ache, our minds are confused, but we know you hear our prayers and call us to act justly, with love and compassion in all we say and do

and we thank you that, in all these situations, you are in the midst, loving your people to wholeness
