There is none like you, Lord God
none to whom we can turn in the knowledge that when we call to you, you listen
In that knowledge, we offer our prayer
We thank you for all the goodness in our lives
the beauty which surrounds us
the neighbours who look out for us
the families who love us
each one enriches us, sustains us, blesses us
Lord God
we thank you for the goodness we have through living in this country
the NHS
the emergency services
care homes
schools, colleges, universities
public transport
the ability to gather to worship you openly, peacefully
the safety net of the welfare state
it’s so easy for us to take these, and many other things, for granted
or to forget they are there until we or our loved ones need them
they are a blessing for all who live in this land
Lord God
we recall before you situations and people who are in need of your grace and compassion
those who are in pain, distress, suffering, in body, mind or soul
those who put themselves in harms way for the good of others, even others who attack their way of life
those who are in such dark pits of despair they cannot glimpse the light of your goodness
those who have lost their way
those who speak out on behalf of the voiceless
those who serve in public office
Compassionate Christ
Through your holy spirit, grant to all your grace,
that all in distress may call to you for mercy and know they will be heard
and grant to us compassionate, caring hearts
especially for those we struggle to understand
due to their differing lifestyles and opinions
remind us all are invited to know your grace and mercy
to know your marvellous deeds
to know you are God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Lord God
there is much going on in our lives and in the world which we cannot find words to express our worry, concern, fear
we open our heartfelt pleas to you, expressing in silence that for which there are no words
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
offered in and through Jesus Christ our Lord