Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 4 June 2023

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

God of power and might

heaven and earth are full of your glory

Hosanna in the highest

hosanna for your love

love poured out in

the wonder of the stars we see in the night sky

when we gaze, we catch a glimpse of light from a distant place

known to us

yet known and loved and cherished by you

as you cherish that place

you cherish this one, on which we live and breathe

praise we offer for all the richness of this planet

deserts and jungles,

rainforests and savannahs

mountains and plains

all of this you entrusted to humanity

to care for, to nurture

teach us how to bring healing as we seek to better care for the world

grant us healing hands

that, in bringing rejuvenation, we can bring your love into the world

we’re thankful you trust us to your purposes

help us live up to that trust

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

God of power and might

may your love be the guiding light and purpose of Christ’s church

that Christians across the globe may go into the world

the whole world

and proclaim the good news

we pray for those who go to places where the church has cause harm

may they bring healing

we pray for those who speak truth to power

may they be listened to

we pray for those who have influence to make

in governments and multinational corporations

changes at national and global scales

to bring healing to the whole planet

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

God of power and might

in trust and hope

we know you can do all things

nothing is impossible for you

fill your church with the spirit’s power

that together

we may change the world

we may build the kingdom

on earth as in heaven

to your honour and glory

now and always