Father God
Lord and ruler and King of all heaven and earth
of all that was and is and is yet to be
To you be all praise and glory and honour now and forevermore
You are the source of all our riches, our hearts’ desire, the place where our treasure is stored
You are the source of the infinite beauty and spectacle of creation which is around us
which changes from hour to hour, day to day, season to season, in the pattern of the world you wove into the skies, the rocks, the birds, the trees
and into us, your people, made in your image and granted a special place in your world
a place to know you, to be ever watchful for your coming kingdom, to honour you in all we do
as Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, Friend
So we come, this day, in adoration in worship
Guide our hearts, souls and minds through the Holy Spirit that we may extol your name above all names
that we may deepen our love and trust
that we may be ready for the time when your kingdom will burst forth into the world
Christ Jesus
the one we place our hope and trust and faith in
we confess we have failed to live up to the standard you set for us
we have stored up earthly treasure
rather than giving generously to the poor
we have been selfish in thought, word and deed
looking towards our own needs, rather than that of our neighbours
we have forgotten to live as servants always awaiting their master’s return
Redeeming Christ
may we turn from the ways of the world towards your way
knowing you will help us on the way, and that you love us beyond measure, so these and all our sins are washed away and we are made white as snow
All this we pray in your holy name, Christ our King