Approach and confession prayer 14 January 2018

High King of Heaven

Praise be to you

Praise be to the one in whom we can place our hope

Praise be to the one who knows each one of us intimately

Praise be to the one who knits us together as Christ’s body in this place

A body made with love and care

a body made for compassion and service

a body made to show your working in your world

This knowledge is hard for us to fully understand

too wonderful for us to completely take in

that you, King would call us


to know you

to be your church here and now

who are we that we are precious to you

Heavenly King?

This is to much for us

so we gather in awe and wonder

bowing before you

seeking your guidance

longing for your direction

craving your orientation

in our lives and in the pattern you create as you knit us together for your service

We long to honour you this hour

in our song, our prayers, as we meditate on your word

we long to be fully the people you call us to be

However we are aware that in our pride and weakness

we have failed others

we have failed ourselves

and, in so doing, have failed you

yet before we even need to confess out shortcomings

you know us intimately

you love us unconditionally

you forgive us completely

and set us free to go where you call us to go

through Christ our Lord
