The God of Abraham praise
grant honour to our King
who sits enthroned
with triumphant hosts on high
singing holy, holy, holy
may our thanks and adoration
blend with those voices
to hail the mighty One
who keeps promises
who maintains covenants
even when the people turn away
even when nations fall
the promises of God endure forever and ever
Praise the Lord for this blessing!
Assist us to recall that blessing
no matter what
and to proclaim it aboard
in our daily lives,
in our hearts
in our thoughts
may the covenant of grace
be seen in us
Covenant making One
from the rainbow, through Abraham to the new covenant sealed by Christ’s blood
you have never failed your people
never turned away
a hundred thousand praises would be insufficient to thank you for that
as we thank you for your covenant
we thank you for the hope that lengthening, warmer days gives us
we thank you for the roll out of the Covid vaccine
for all who are tasked with the logistics of such a task
for all who will receive it
we ask for patience to be granted to those who wait
and wisdom to those who decide who is next in the priority list
we bring before you teachers and school staff, as they complete their first week of some pupils being back in school
we also bring before you parents and siblings still waiting to return
may schools be safe places of learning
we think of couples getting married, wondering whether to postpone or go ahead with few present
we also recall the bereaved, navigating death where familiar rituals are not present
may they all know your presence, your Love
Lord God
We thank you for the UK government’s commitment to send Covid vaccines to countries which would otherwise not afford them
may they hold to that promise
and we thank you for policy makers, relieved it’s not us
bless them, guide them and help us to support them through prayer
as we know and share the great covenant we know
In praising the God of Abraham