In faith
you send us into the world, Lord God
bestowing us with treasure beyond measure
sending us on a journey
to find your dear ones
and bring them to you
that you may love them
as you love us
in faith
we praise you
bow before
seek your guidance on the mission you give us
for the sake of the salvation of the world
Saving Christ
may our paths reflect your purpose for us
as a community of faith
and as individuals calls and sent by you
may we look to the example of Abraham’s servant
in prayerfully trusting you will show us
the ones we are called to bring to you
we thank you for this task
this purpose
this calling in our lives
assist us to obediently trust you
and your Way for us
that all peoples
in fact, the whole of creation,
may be brought into your sphere of love
which is your kingdom on earth as in heaven
Heavenly God
though you are in heaven
we’re blessed to know you are not remote
and are active in our lives and in the life of the church and world through the Spirit’s guiding, comforting and challenging us
as you heard the prayers of Abraham’s servant
hear our prayers for others and your world
those who are slaves to corrupt systems of finance, politics, wealth and power
help them to do what is right, even when that can be hugely difficult
those who are slaves to alcohol, unable to see their addiction for what it truly is
help them to do what is right, even when that can be hugely difficult
those who are slaves to other people, trapped by poverty and fear
help them to do what is right, even when that can be hugely difficult
and help all the organisations which strive do what is right, even when that can be hugely difficult
bringing healing, wholeness and restoration into this world of yours
to your honour and glory
through Christ Jesus we pray