Let praise and adoration and wonder be on our lips and in our hearts this hour
As we worship Love divine
Love incarnate
Love with and for us
love which never fails
This is God
the God of all the universe
the God of all creation
the fountain of life
what we can drink from
drink the best of wine and delight
drink the best of wine in abundance
for us
as guests at the great heavenly banquet
where heaven and earth meet
at this time, in this place
in our coming together a Christ’s church
to worship
to pray
to sing
to be one with him
now and always
Eternal Christ
at the wedding feast you turned water into wine
in huge quantities
the first sign of your glory
may we become your vessels,
filled with goodness, compassion, love
that we may be signs of your glory
fills us full to the brim with the holy spirit that it is impossible for your glory not to spill out into the world
as we are filled with your glory
empty us of all hate, anger, bitterness, sorrow, envy
all which does not show the abundant grace and goodness of God
who is our all in all
our King
the one in whom we rejoice
our unfailing love
revealed to us in Jesus Christ