Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord O, our souls
Let us praise to the Lord our whole lives through
For the Lord is the maker of heaven and earth
from the deepest depths of the sea
to highest mountain peaks
all are the handicraft of God’s hands
moulded and formed by God’s decree
held gently in the palm of God’s hands
God knows each fish and bird
appreciated each fin and feather
perceived the beauty in every creature
made through God’s Word
sustained by God’s Love
the same love which holds us in the palm of God’s hands this day
This is God
who looks at us with compassion
the compassion of a perfect, loving Father
our heavenly Father
who comes to us in Christ Jesus
holding before us the wounds he carries
the wounds which speak undeniably of love
love for us
love for the world
Christ Jesus
we bow at you feet
knowing you are our Lord, our Master, our Saviour
longing that our worship, our prayer, our praise
may speak to our deepest needs
may be the adoration you truly long for us to show you
where your love overwhelms us with joy and compassion and righteousness
where we cannot stop smiling at the wonder of knowing you
for as we bow at your feet
we can see the wounds of love on them
wounds which remind us that, where we have fallen short on love,
fallen short on grace
fallen short on compassion
you loved us to the cross and lift us up
forgive us
and show us we are your brothers and sisters
made one in the Spirit
with one another and the whole church
in our witness to our God
who meets us here
in this time, in this place